Scripture Tattoos refer to some quotes or phrases from the scriptures such as the Bible, Quran or other religious books or publications. Tattoo art is not a new form of art and people have been inking their skins for centuries now. As a matter of fact, tattoos go so far back that they have been found on the body of a 5300-year-old mummy which used tattoo as a therapy.
Popularity of Scripture Tattoos for Women
Scripture tattoos for women usually include phrases from religious books and are considered one of the most popular tattoo forms in recent times. They are more popular among Christians.
Scripture tattoos are very much popular amongst young ladies and college going girls. They use them to show off their thoughts and ideas to the world. Apart from fashion and style, these tattoos for women can also be connected with spirituality.
In some cultures, they are believed to protect women, mostly pregnant women, from unknown bad powers. For many people, it is not only an art form, but also serves as a “road signs” to marking one’s spiritual journey.
Significance of Scripture Tattoos
Simple and visible script tattoos on your body can remind you of the spiritual teachings and sentiments and can be a source of great inspiration and strength in tough times. This way, you can remain connected with your cultural roots. Some women experience a higher sense of spirituality after getting these tattoos.
Additionally, they are a smart and easy way to create a fashion statement. Temporary tattoos can give you the freedom to try out different phrases, fonts, and colors too.
Tips on Getting a Scripture Tattoo
1.) Choose an appropriate phrase
Choose a phrase that can be a source of inspiration for you and one that you would like to read and hear again and again. Mostly, girls choose the phrase according to their religious beliefs. Or some may choose a quote from a famous person or according to their profession.
However, scripture tattoos for women mostly consist of religious phrases, especially from the bible. Once you have chosen the perfect quote, then you are ready to proceed.
2.) Make sure the spelling is correct
It is important to verify that the spelling and also the phrase is correct. If you are taking it from the Bible, you can verify once before starting the inking process. It is quite embarrassing to have a spelling mistake which would be pointed out by friends and relatives.
Do not forget to capitalize words that should be capital such as God. It would be hard to modify it once it is inked, so it is better to verify before starting. Spelling mistakes might not occur in English scripted tattoos but are common in tattoos done in foreign languages.
3.) Choose an appropriate place for your tattoo
This is very much important for permanent tattoos. A temporary tattoo might be replaced in few months. But in case of permanent tattoos, you must make sure that the placement is such that it will look beautiful even after changes in your body due to weight and the aging process.
Most women prefer to get a tattoo on their wrists and ankles, which makes the tattoo visible even when they are wearing any sort of clothes. However, you can get a tattoo on your neck, waist or take help from the tattoo artist.
Scripture tattoos can sometimes need a lot of space, so make sure that you have the required space in the area chosen for tattooing. Remember, the goal is to pass the inspirational message so you may want to draw it in the exposed areas.
4.) Size of tattoo and of the font matters a lot
The script and phrase used in the tattoo must be easily readable, at least from a distance of 10 inches. The very small font can just seem like a blob of ink rather than convey a message. If you do not have the required space for a larger phrase, you can choose to shorten it without changing the meaning. So choose the font size and style wisely.
These are the top tips to get a beautiful scripted tattoo on your body. You can now make a great fashion statement while still conveying the motivational scriptures that keep you going.
Inspirational Examples of Scripture Tattoos for Women
These lovely words from a famous bible verse have been placed near the collarbone. Notice the splash of feminine attitude that ties the words in a beautiful style. In addition, the cursive writing style unleashes a touch that is near perfect in passing the message.
Definitely, a scripture tattoo quote to consider. The glorious sentence is inked in two lines that are overlapping. This part of the body is suitable to get inked with long letters that have elaborate flourishes and done with some loops.
The letters of this remarkable tattoo are inked in bold on the shoulder blade to proclaim the power of seeking the way. With the verse in two lines in a larger font, the citation completes the tattoo in a smaller font giving the impression of slanting inwards.
This bold verse is written in a script similar to uncial. Added is a skull that sits near the knee and is artistically decorated to improve its detail. Such scripture tattoo ideas are a beautiful tribute to the words in the scriptures.
An artistic cross is a break from the standard and more rigid crosses seen in other scripture tattoos. Inked is a dark leafy tree designed with the super-trendy cross design. It is a unique use of a famous quotation from the scriptures.
Yet another rendition of the popular Philippians 4:13 verse, the font of this piece is simple and to be loved and it makes the placement on the shoulder blade so neat – a lovely reminder to her that she is never alone.
What an adorable tattoo that is as girly as it is uplifting. The feather in this piece is to be loved together with its integration of the birds. Done purposely to correlate with the verse, it is a whimsical, yet meaningful scripture tattoos idea.
This beautiful verse is almost as gorgeous as the flowers attached to it. Not to mention is the cursive writing of the text. A pinch of two red flowers makes it makes it a hit for religious females. The tattoo is nothing short of stunning.
Quotes in such scripture tattoos for girls appear rather blunt but are definitely true. Strong lines have been inked and the confident curves in a traditional font express the lengthy sentence in four lines. Overall the vertical pattern sits well on the shoulder blade.
A bold ode to the book of Isaiah for women not shy about their faith, the words appear under a water wave in the simple bible verse tattoo. Scripted dark fonts also stand out in such scripture tattoos for women when placed near the heel.
A dark feather tattoo that contrasts well with fair skinned women. It is simple yet beautiful and its effect is to be loved. Thin strokes on the feather and the cool font of “Psalm 91:4” are beginning to look like the tattoo is best placed on the rib.
This is a very simple yet adorable bible verse tattoo with a background that appears as if the text is written on paper. Inked on the inner arm of the woman, it provides an uplifting reminder of Christ in a glorious and elegantly lettered three-word sentence.
This script looks subtle on the inner arm. The flowing design makes it almost look like it is handwritten. The addition of the simple cross right below completes the design. Tattoo ideas for women like this are simply magical and cute at the same time.
A truly comforting inking that features only the citation is a stunning gift for any woman. The inner arm is a great place to get inked with short scripts of these tattoos ideas. The stylish calligraphy font remains dark and bold.
Sitting on the rib is the wonderful quote that just expresses a simple point. The cursive writing makes the three words delightful, sweet and girly. Tatted directly on the skin, it is surely inspiring for the religious women out there.
This religious script tattoo design runs from the ribs to the back. Confident curves and thin lines magnify the effect the phrase has. Inking is neatly done and a citation together with an abbreviation is added below the line at the end.
This wrist script tattoo is just perfect for a religious woman. Complete loops form part of the letters in the two words that make up this wrist tattoo design. It is fresh and black and remains short and to the point.
Inked on a woman’s foot is a verse of Psalms 23:6’. Elegant lettering marks the words. This lengthy bible verse is worn nicely with an excellent choice of fonts and sizes. It is compact with no overflow of words over the curve of the foot.
The Christian phrase in the religious tattoo design runs in only two lines. The design is minimalist and features a traditional font. Check out these lines placed on the inner arm, sending a powerful message from the woman who chooses to have them inked.
Running along the length of the upper arm is this trendy verse from the Bible. Complete loops and joined letters make the script flow on the arm, looking like it is almost a handwritten design. This body art keeps design uniformity in the numbers too.
Just above the wrist sits the Bible verse tattoo as a simple reminder. The delicate design is beautiful and is to be loved. With the writing appearing slightly raised above the skin, the fresh tattoo is just perfect reminder on the woman’s arm.
A glorious sentence is inked on the woman’s arm in a vertical pattern. Note the old style faint font design employed by the artist. Loops and arches are part of the design forming beautiful patterns on this script talking about trust.
Smooth lines and curves have been used to ink the words in this inspirational tattoo. Addition of the cross to the left and within makes the piece more adorable. The words appear slightly elevated with the cross shadow in the background.
Living on the side of the woman’s foot is a simple yet elegant phrase. The piece is delicate and pretty and serves as a reminder to the woman that she is a servant. The font here is simple but lovely.
In the tattoo, the citation appears as if it is printed, which is a less popular way of tattoo design. The capital letters and symmetry achieved in the print font comes out as clearly bold in this scripture tattoo design.
Here I am. Send me. This scripture tattoo can be ideal for religious missionaries or people who have a noble advocacy or cause to advance. It reflects the decision made by prophet Isaiah who started his prophetic ministry with this verse. So, to inspire the tattoo bearer and to remind him his life-long mission, this is an excellent scripture to have.
But love will last forever! This scripture tattoos idea is excellent especially before entering the bond of marriage. It will forever remind what binds the couple and what will enable them to withstand all trials and tribulations to protect the sanctity of their marriage.
Psalm 61:2. People who may be suffering from depression and all other forms of psychological problems may find comfort in the promise and hope this scripture tattoo design brings. It can motivate them to seek God and dwell in the shadow of his love.
God is within her, she will not fail. For women who are going through a difficult time in their lives, be it divorce or separation, death of love ones, loss of job, this scripture tattoo for women can spark hope within them. Or when they aim for incredible things, this is reassuring.
Proverbs 31:25-26. For a loving, faithful and responsible husband, this one of the great tattoo ideas for women and can be an excellent Mother’s Day surprise. It edifies the wife and exalts her noble character. It also signifies that she and the family’s future is well secure and properly taken care of by the husband.
Grace upon grace. It signifies the abundance of grace God appropriates to his children. So, no matter how sinful the tattoo bearer may think of himself, how he may have fallen farther from His grace, this assures him that he can still draw closer to God. It is one simplest yet most powerful scripture tattoos there is.
Psalm 46:5. There may be times when young women are inundated with problems and issues in life, that all seems to be lost and hopeless, they can draw inspiration and hope from this. It promises that God is every present in times of trouble. Definitely it is one of the great scripture tattoos for girls.
Walk by faith. As you pursue difficult and life-changing decisions, you may find yourself in unfamiliar territories. You may think you’ve lost track. But this is one of the scripture tattoo ideas that may remind you what you have made this decision in the first place. Placing it on either foot will keep you push forward.
Psalm 46:5. For women to embark on a solo journey may be very challenging. For example, raising a child by herself is indeed difficult – financially, emotionally, and physically. This scripture will definitely inspire and drive her keep pushing forward. She indeed will not fail.
Ephesians 3:17. This scripture will strongly and constantly remind us to where our foundation is laid upon. By placing this scripture on either arm with a tree on the side, it suddenly becomes a powerful way to do introspection.
Walk by faith. There are times in your walk when you feel seemingly hopeless and defeated. But as you look down, you’d see this tattoo. Then you’re reinvigorated and motivated to further advance in your pursuit. Placing this on your feet is one of the tattoos ideas that may unwittingly inspire others before you realize it.
By grace alone. Physically, the feet bear the brunt and rigors of daily grind. And a tattoo with such inspiring scripture serves as a loving reminder that you have been invested with so much grace for you to withstand all the trials and tribulations.
Let your faith be bigger than your fears. The bigger the ambitions and goals, the bigger the stakes and risks, but keep your eyes on the prize. This inspirational tattoo will constantly keep you on track. When placed on the wrist, you will easily see and remember your motivations.
He walks with me. For introverts, anti-socials, solo parents, and missionaries, this is another excellent tattoo idea. It is serves as a beacon of hope and gives a sense of security. There is no more powerful assurance than hearing I am always with you no matter what situation you are in.
John 3:16. Probably the most frequently quoted verse in the Bible richly deserves a more ingenious tattoo style. So, presenting the scripture in a Love pattern gives proper justification and treatment. After all, this is the message it wants to convey.
Jeremiah 29:11. If you are searching for hope and a spark in your seemingly lethargic life, this scripture may be it. The elements in this tattoo, a mechanical clock, a wheel, a compass, a tree and a flower, greatly depict this hope and promise.
Psalm 46:10. One of the most authoritative scriptures is Psalm 46:10. It asserts that God is in full control of everything. Growing up and going through different phases in life, this tattoo concept can be a constant reminder to never fret nor waver.
Jeremiah 17:9. This is such a powerful rebuke. So, when tattooed on the body, it will let you realize that there are things beyond our understanding especially in the matters of the heart. This can be one of the nicest tattoo ideas for women.
Romans 5:8. How many times should you be reminded how great a love you’ve been vested with? Countless times! And this tattoo pattern strongly evokes the appreciation of the beloved and the honor and appreciation it pays back to the lover.
Salt. This arm tattoo represents the several of the noblest attributes the person received. Being a salt, that person has a very powerful purpose to pursue while embodying the blessings and benefits of being a chosen and new creation.
Rock. When troubles engulf a person and the enemies surround him, this tattoo idea vanquishes all fears and frights. The promise of this scripture can easily calm the troubled soul. The calligraphy used excellently befits and honors the power of the Lord.
Proverbs 31. One of the best ways to honor a wife and mother is having this tattoo. When you run out of gift ideas for the most momentous occasion in the life of your wife or mother, have this scripture tattooed on your body.
Philippians 4:13. Isn’t it wonderful to be assured that you can do all things because someone makes it rather easy and light for you? And if you are going to have a tattoo to display this scripture, there is no better to have it than on either shoulder.
In this world… Clouds hovering over the map, with the scripture superimposed, is yet another awesome graphical representation of God’s promise. And by placing in on either arms, as you flex it you will be performing a habitual display of power to overcome whatever your situations may be.
Philippians 4:13. Having this scripture tattooed on your arms will only reflect your faith and belief that you can do so many things. As you motion your arms, you are demonstrating the ability to progress and achieve. And the tattoo’s calligraphy is beautiful, too.